Its April's Birthday Journal Prompts

New to journaling, or it’s been awhile and you find yourself staring at a blank screen or page in a book?  I’ll share some things I have found helpful.  Take what works, and drop the rest🌸

⁛ Take a few moments to ground yourself – deep breaths, melt into your body
⁛ Put pen to paper and just write (even if its “I don’t know what to write”)
⁛ Try setting a timer (2, 5, 10 mins etc) and what comes forth in this time slot
⁛ Ditch the need for full sentences or anything to make sense.  Just allow words, images or ideas to flow
⁛ Use a tool to spring a launching point – oracle/tarot cards, flip through a magazine etc – and see how this perspective may, or may not be relevant to the question
⁛ Read over your page, and pull out themes – similar threads, the ones that seem like they don’t belong (these can be my personal favourite insights!!!), colours, locations, and sit with our journal about what you pulled out
⁛ Be in a space of curiosity and let go of anything needing to be a certain way 

▶Where have I grown this past year?
▶What accomplishments have I completed?
▶How can I support my expansion in the coming year?
▶Where can I amplify the beauty in my life?
▶Is there something I can add to my life that makes me feel alive?
▶Where can I sprinkle extra gratitude in my daily life?
▶Is there something my body has been trying to tell me I need to pay attention to?
▶What does it mean to me to live an authentic life?
▶Is there an area of my life I can work to be more present in?
▶What insight for this next year does my future self have for me?
▶What can I do to avoid burnout and recharge on a regular basis?
▶Are there any projects or situations I can reconcile and collapse?
▶Where in my life can I apply a what else is possible mentality for growth and opportunity?
▶What can I do to step into my power this year?
▶How can I incorporate more play and curiosity in my daily life?